Thinking of painting your residential or commercial interiors? Is price your first concern? GLS Painters catalyzed a detailed pricing guide just for you which offer estimates on your interior projects. The prices are affected on the prep worked involved and is also based on how high or low your ceiling is. Technically, rooms with higher ceilings will be more. (i.e. Covered and protected furnishing and walls, Dry walls scraped, patched & sanded, Spackling compound on walls and ceiling cracks, Assure proper paint adhesion and etc.)
Large Rooms
Walls: $2,500 +
Add Ceilings & Trim: $1,000 +
Medium Rooms
Walls: $1,000 - $2,000
Add Ceilings & Trim: $500 - $1,000
Small Rooms
Walls: $500
Add Ceilings & Trim: $150 - $250
All one color:
(Both sides including Jamb & Trim)
1 Story Color 1 Color
$500 +
Book an Estimate
If you’re in need of a paint job of any kind, you’ve come to the right place. We’re GLS Painters, your designated painting contractor based in Sicklerville, New Jersey.