• (856) 238-1288

Residential House Painting

We take residential house painting in South Jersey seriously! And we know you do too.

This isn’t just a jobsite. This is your home.

Are you ready to paint your home in South Jersey? Maybe you need fresh curb appeal, to update a room or three, or maybe it’s finally time to give your kitchen cabinets that new color you found on Pinterest.

At GLS Painters, we’re in this with you. Let’s make a careful plan, do the job right, and deliver a totally stress-free painting experience.

What makes our residential painting services special?

First, we want to make sure you love the process. That means we have a clear and transparent approach, friendly team members, and we do exactly what we say we will. When we say we will. Plus, we offer an industry-leading 9-year labor and materials warranty.

Second, we have a proven process. No cut corners! Every project is built on careful surface preparation, a detailed approach, and high-quality paint and materials. It all makes a difference, and it all adds up to a superior finish.

The GLS commercial painting process


Every GLS Painting project begins with an in-depth consultation, helping us better understand your unique vision. We’ll discuss your goals, color choices, and finishing options before painting.


This stage is our key to precise and lasting results. We clean, sand, and prepare the surfaces, plus protect the rest of your property.

Minor Repairs

A paint job is only as solid as the surface underneath. We take the time to repair where needed, and apply caulking to fill any cracks or gaps to ensure smooth lines.

Commercial Painting

After preparation, we paint your property with high-quality products. We prefer to use Sherwin-Williams paint and Graco and Wooster tools, as they have proven to coat beautifully and keep a long-lasting color.

Inspection and Touch-ups

Before we call the job complete, we do a walkthrough inspection of your new and improved space or exterior. We want to make sure the final product meets your expectations and our own high standards.

Our popular residential painting services

Interior Painting

Exterior Painting

Cabinet Refinishing

Book an Estimate

If you’re in need of a paint job of any kind, you’ve come to the right place. We’re GLS Painters, your designated painting contractor based in Sicklerville, New Jersey.

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