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Why Prep Work is Important?

All results of success come from great preparation, agree?


Preparing the surfaces for residential and commercial interiors or exteriors is time-consuming. Applying the first coat of paint will take a while depending on the size of    the building. The goal is to achieve a flawless after-results paint job. Rushing the prep work will have a disastrous effect and a lot of cracking paints. Lack of patience on this job will only end in “starting all over again”. I know that you don’t want that!

The main reason “Why surface preparation or Prep Work” is so important is because paint can’t cling to an unready surface. The paint will bubble up, rind off, crack, and shard because it is not glued on the surface. If you are thinking of brushing or spraying paint onto an unprepared surface, please don’t! It will look very unprofessional.


The first step to take in the right direction is calling a professional painter to look at your tired spaces. Prep work is a wearisome and inflexible job. If the surface is not prepared properly, time and money will surely be wasted. That’s why you should consult an excellent team who is knowledgeable and experienced, which can provide you with smooth and speedy work.

My Team, GLSPainters are ready to provide you with excellent prep work for your paint job. Below are some of our following procedures that will be applied as necessary to your particular job under normal conditions:

  • All furnishing and floors will be covered and protected.
  • Walls will be scraped, patched, and sanded. They will also be re-inspected and patched as necessary before final coats are applied.
  • Fill wall and ceiling cracks with spackling compound, let dry, and sand smooth.
  • More advanced cracks will receive an application of fiberglass joint tape and will be spackled and sanded smooth
  • Glossy surfaces and trim will be sanded and cleaned to assure proper paint adhesion
  • Scrape and sand rough areas due to previous paint failure
  • Caulk cracks in wood trim and along wall/trim interface
  • Apply a stain sealer to water and tannin stains cleaned ups will be cleaned up, vacuumed, and debris will be taken away
  • Hardware to be removed and reinstalled.

If you want to save your time in preparing the surface of your residential or commercial building HIRE THE RIGHT PAINTER!

GLSPainters can manage to handle each prep work with ease. In that way, you can save time and expect world-class results! There is no big or small residential or commercial building surface with our experienced team of guaranteed professionals. Don’t just go with any other painter. Go with one who has a lot of experience over the years and is working hard to provide you with the best quality client service possible. You know who to call, #don’tstresscallgls!

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If you’re in need of a paint job of any kind, you’ve come to the right place. We’re GLS Painters, your designated painting contractor based in Sicklerville, New Jersey.

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